Occurrences of "aba".

The figure of the above is drawn by the following source code.
The original code is here.
See also the visstr repository.
const visstr = window.visstr

const canvas = document.querySelector('#canvas')
// input string
const s = 'abaababaabaab'
// create visstr object.
const vstr = new visstr.VisStr(canvas)
// create occurrences of aba.
const occ_aba = [[0, 2], [3, 5], [5, 7], [8, 10]]
// add line style and color.
const ranges = vstr.makeRanges(occ_aba, 'arrow', '#ff0000')
// make group so that they are not overlap with each others.
const range_groups = vstr.nonOverlapRanges(ranges)
// draw the occurrences.
vstr.draw(s, range_groups)